
On this page, you can find videos, pictures, and audio about the need for earned sick time.


View our YouTube Channel-PhillyPaidSickDays

(February 12, 2015)
Earned Sick Days Bill Signing Ceremony
(February 12, 2015)
Passage of the Earned Sick Days Bill

(December 1, 2014)
Report to the Mayor by the Paid Sick Days Task Force

(March 14, 2013)
Restaurant worker speaks up for earned sick time

(January 24, 2013)
City Council Press Conference

(July 6, 2012)

           Video news clip "Philadelphians Fight for Earned Sick Days"

(September 2011)

           Short Documentary


(July 6, 2011)
Video of our Declaration of Support for Paid Sick Days and Independence from Mayor Nutter's Veto

(June 16, 2011)
Video of the paid sick days vote

(June 9, 2011)

 Councilman Bill Greenlee discusses the new "mom and pop" exemption.

(June 9, 2011)

Fight for Philly and other coalition members hold a rally for paid sick days outside City Hall.

(June 9, 2011)

Below are a series of stories in support of paid sick days in Philadelphia.

(May 26, 2011)

Fabricio Rodriguez took this great video of the 17,000 postcards "wrapped" around City Hall on May 26, 2011.

(May 26, 2011) interviewed Councilman Bill Greenlee and Councilman Darrell Clarke about the paid sick days bill in Philadelphia.

(May 26, 2011)

Councilman Bill Greenlee and Rebecca Foley discuss "wrapping" City Hall in postcards and other highlights from the postcard event.

The Earned Sick Days bill is taken off the suspension calendar.

(May 9, 2011) interviewed Councilman Bill Greenlee and Councilman W. Wilson Goode, Jr., about the paid sick days bill in Philadelphia.

(March 24, 2011)
WPVI Channel 6 covered the Coalition for Healthy Families and Workplaces' press conference on the need for earned sick days in the healthcare field.

(March 1, 2011)
Fox 29 ran footage from the March 1 committee hearing on Bill 080474 in Philadelphia in addition to their own commentary.  A 40 second clip and a 7 minute clip were on their newscast.

(October 12, 2010)

Video from the Earned Sick Days Lobby Day at City Hall.

(September 20, 2010) 
PCN's monthly television program "Agenda for Action" included a story on HB 1830 and an interview from Tiffany Lomax about her need for earned sick time.  You can watch it on YouTube or view it below.

(August 31, 2010) 
In Pennsylvania over 2.2 million workers do not have the ability to earn paid sick days. These are some of their stories.

Audio (June 1, 2011) Please listen to this piece from Labor Justice Radio about the postcards wrapped around City Hall. (April 12, 2011) Using this link, you can listen to an audio press conference on the relationship between earned sick days and equal pay. (January 5, 2011)
Please listen to this piece from Labor Justice Radio as workers tell their own stories of how important paid sick days are to their health and the community's well-being.

(October 5, 2010)
Using this link, you can listen to an audio story sent out to radio stations in the Greater Philadelphia area to preview Drum Major Institute's report "Paid Sick Time: Healthy for Philadelphia Workers and Businesses." 
(July 20, 2010)
Tiffany is an office manager and a single mom. Her 13 year old son has severe asthma and allergies. At her current job she receives paid sick days, which she is able to use to care for herself or her son when he has an asthma attack or a respiratory infection. Tiffany is relieved knowing that she can take the time to care for her son without fear of losing her job. Unfortunately, that was not always the case for Tiffany. Prior to her current job, she worked at a number of different companies. Despite her hard work, she was let go from each of those jobs after missing work to care for her son. Tiffany feels blessed to have a job where she has the flexibility to work hard and care for her son. She is grateful to work in a climate that supports the work-family balance.
(June 15, 2010)
Melvena is a Senior Program Manager for a social services agency. She is happy to have paid sick days as they allow her to take care of herself and her family while being relieved of the worry and financial burden of not receiving her pay.
(May 26, 2010)
Ashley  is an outreach specialist at an employment training agency and a mom. She is happy that she now has paid sick days, but that was not always the case. Having paid sick days allows here to care for her son when he is ill especially since her child care provider will not accept him when he is ill. Having the flexibility of paid sick days also allows her to see her own doctor as she can take time off in increments of 15 minutes. Prior to her current job, Ashley worked as a waitress and did not have any paid sick days. She would dread getting sick as missing a day meant missing her wages, making it impossible to make ends meet. Ashley sees paid sick days as a tool that people need in order to succeed and be self-sufficient.

(February 12, 2015)
Earned Sick Days Signing Ceremony

(June 12, 2014)
Announcement of Mayor's Task Force on Paid Sick Leave

(February 7, 2014)
Women Succeed Event

(August 26, 2013)
Women's Equality Day Lunch

(April 9, 2013)
Caregivers Press Conference

(April 3, 2013)
Dropping off petitions at Mayor Nutter's office

(March 3, 2013)
Images from the Earned Sick Days Hearing

(February 14, 2013)
Valentine's Day Delivery

(September 8, 2011)
Images from the Get Well Philadelphia Germ Delivery at City Council
(August 26, 2011)
Images from the Decal Launch Event at Wired Beans Cafe
(June 16, 2011)
Images from the Coalition of Labor Union Women Awards Ceremony
(June 16, 2011)
Images from the vote on paid sick days in City Council
(May 26, 2011)
Images from our morning wrapping City Hall in thousands of postcards
(May 12, 2011)
Images from delivering Applegrams to City Council
(March 14, 2011)
Images from Business Roundtable
(March 1, 2011)
Images from March 1 Rally and Hearing at City Hall
(August 17, 2010)
Images from August 17 Earned Sick Time Press Conference and Hearing
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